How to Clean Smelly Work Boots Quickly?

Michael Weinstein

Michael Weinstein is a seasoned writer and a dedicated expert in work safety, footwear, and popular shoe brands. With years of research and expertise, he's...Read more

Michael Weinstein

Michael Weinstein is a seasoned writer and a dedicated expert in work safety, footwear, and popular shoe brands. With years of research and expertise, he's...Read more

During summer, removing boots in public becomes a terrible task as smelly work boots spoil the fresh air breathing. Research shows that bacteria and fungi grow inside the boot due to over sweating of feet, which creates bad odors.

Again, the lack of ventilation inside the boots also causes bad smells. But one can get rid of it by cleaning boots if he knows how to clean smelly work boots properly. Here, you will get some excellent ideas on how to get rid of the smell in shoes. These may seem simple but much more effective. However, Leather boots or steel toe boots, all are easy to clean if you go through the right way.

How can you Treat or Remove the Boot Odor?

How does it feel like when you come home after a messy working day and remove your boots to relax, suddenly your partner puts a hand on her nose to avoid the stink coming from your boots? Well, It’s an embarrassing moment. To avoid this type of situation, you can go through this techniques –

How to Clean Smelly Work Boots

  • Antibacterial Soap: Clean your feet with antibacterial soap after every two hours. On the whole, It will keep the feet clean and prevent the bacteria’s growth, which causes smell inside the boots.
  • Put Orange or Lemon Peels Inside The Boots: Orange and lemon peels are natural deodorizers. Consequently, It helps to minimize the foul odor. Nevertheless, take the lemon peels out from boots after 3-4 hours of placing.
  • Salt Treatment: Salt has a great wet absorbing capacity. First, Take two tablespoons of salt in a napkin and then put the napkin into each boot for at least two hours. It will help to absorb the moisture of the inner portion faster and prevent bacterial growth.
  • Use Boot Dryer: After returning home, put your boots on a boot dryer for 3-4 hours. It helps to keep the boot dry and neutralize the smell.

Undoubtedly, these mentioned techniques surely help you to get rid of bad odors.

10 Quick Ways to Clean Your Smelly Work Boots!

Cleaning work boots is not so hard, but sometimes a stink stays even after cleaning the boots. So, cleaning smelly work boots means cleaning the boots as well as removing the unpleasant odor. Here I have discussed 10 quick ways of how to clean smelly leather boots.

1. Washing Boots with Low pH mild Detergent and Shampoo

Washing Boots with Low pH mild Detergent and Shampoo

  • Take your boots.
  • Remove insoles and laces.
  • Use a boot cleaning brush and clean the dirt and debris from soles.
  • Put the boots into a bucket.
  • Add water and mild detergent according to measurements and mix it well. It will neutralize the odor.
  • Leave it for 10 minutes.
  • Now take out the boot and add boot shampoo.
  • Now clean it with water and leave it to dry in the air.
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After it gets dry completely, put the insole back and tie the laces. Now, your boots are clean and smell-free.

2. Clean Boots with Alcohol

This technique is suitable for your leather boots.

Clean Boots with Rubbing Alcohol

  • Get your leather boots and clean the dust and debris with a boot brush.
  • Take 75ml of Rubbing Alcohol and put some cotton balls in it.
  • Then put the cotton balls inside the boots.
  • Remove them after 4-5 hours.

Now, it smells fresh and also looks clean.

However, these two ways will be helpful to clean the boots and kill the stinks. But sometimes, the stink remains even after washing. So, here I discuss the remain ways on how to remove different types of stinks-

For Less Odor-

3. Use Tea Bags and get a fresh scent instead of stink

Often the stink remains because of the moisture that remains on the inner surface of your boot. Teabags are super absorbent. It absorbs the moisture and makes it completely dry.

Use Tea Bags and get a fresh scent instead of stink

  • Take 5 tea bags for each boot.
  • Put them inside the boot.
  • Keep it in rest for 12 hours.
  • Remove the tea bags.

Now, you will get a fresh tea leaf scent instead of stink.

4. Use Kitty Litters As Moisture Absorber

It also works the same way as teabags. Just here, you will not get any alternative fresh scent but dry and stink-free boots.

Use Kitty Litters As Moisture Absorber

  • Take some kitty litter.
  • Feel the boots with them.
  • Keep it for 12 hours.

Get results instant.

5. Apply Carbonated Baking Soda

It is very much easy, but it only works while the stink is low. It means, if you get the stink only when you put your nose close to your boots, then apply this way-

Apply Carbonated Baking Soda

  • Get a pair of abandoned socks.
  • Fill up each sock with 2 cups of carbonated baking soda.
  • Put the socks inside your boots.
  • Keep them in rest for 24 hours.

Hopefully, the stink will not bother you again.

For Medium Odor-

6. Baby Powder and Freezer

If you can detect the stink from a sitting distance, you can apply this technique.

Baby Powder

  • First, take a small size baby powder that contains deodorant.
  • Fill up the boot’s footbed with the powder.
  • Take a deep breath, and you will be surprised!
  • Take a large size ziplock bag and put the boots inside the bag.
  • Now keep the boot bags inside your deep fridge and rest them for a day.

boot bags inside your deep fridge

A bit crazy! But believe me, this one is very much effective. If you can’t believe it, Go, take out the boots and smell them right now!

7. Natural Deodorant Therapy

Very simple and effective, especially during Summer. It’s not a one-time solution but a regular therapy to your boots.

Natural Deodorant Therapy

  • Take a big-sized lemon.
  • Take off the peel.
  • Make it slice into small pieces.
  • Take the maximum amount of slices and put them inside the boots.
  • Keep them for the rest of the night.
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Surprise!  A fresh deodorized pair of boots are waiting for you.

8. Cotton Balls Treatment

Marshmallow with caramel! Just like that.

Cotton Balls Treatment

  • Take a cotton ball
  • Soak them in vinegar and an essential oil mixture.
  • Put the cotton balls inside your boots.
  • Keep it for 6 hours.

It will take away the stinks smoothly.

Note: Be careful with your leather boots; alcohol may spoil the leather.

For High Odor-

9. Wash with Low pH Mild Detergent

Keeping your stinky boots feels like a punishment! Well, it needs a proper wash.

Wash with Low pH Mild Detergent

  • Take a pail.
  • Fill it with normal water.
  • Dip your boots in the water.
  • Then add low pH mild detergent in the pail.
  • Rest them for 15 minutes.
  • Then change the water and wash the boots properly.
  • Dry them in the air.

If the boot releases moisture completely, keep them in a boot dryer for 6 to 8 hours. And now your boots are clean and stink safe.

Note: Do not use direct heat to your leather boots.

10. Change the insoles

Change the insoles

If any of the ways don’t work effectively, then the final way is to change the insoles of your boots. You will find many modern insoles which can fight stink and also have sweat absorbing capability. It will help you to get rid of odor in your work boots.

Follow These Tips For Getting Rid Of Feet and Boot Odor

Here, these tips will help you to get rid of the unpleasant odor of your feet and boots-

Tips For Getting Rid Of Feet and Boot Odor

  • Clean your feet often with soap to prevent sweating and the growth of bacteria.
  • Never skip wearing socks with your work boots. It helps to keep the boots dry and not to smell bad. Socks made of merino wool, olefin, or microfiber blends are the best for boots.
  • Make sure your feet are dry before putting on socks. Wet socks smell bad after removing them.
  • Always keep your boots dry after a walk. And never wear a wet boot. Wet boots can cause blisters.
  • Don’t wear the same pair of boots every single day. Give them rest for at least two days after a daylong use.
  • Keep your boots clean. You can use a boot brush to clean the dust in the sole.
  • After removing the boots, apply some baby powder inside the boot. It will neutralize the smell.
  • Don’t use the same pair of socks regularly. And get yourself 3-4 new pairs of socks in every work season.

Frequently Asked Questions

Many queries arise when you are talking about how to clean smelly work boots effectively. Here I answer some of the most asking questions related to cleaning smelly work boots.

Does putting shoes in the freezer kill odor?

Yes, freezing boots can kill odor. Here the low temperature of the fridge helps to stop the bacteria’s growth.

Why do tea bags absorb odor?

Teabags are super-absorbent. They absorb the moisture that tends to linger and replace it with a clean herbal scent.

What type of socks should I use for smelly boots?

There are many types of socks available in the market. But socks made of merino wool, olefin, or microfiber blends are the best for boots.

How long can I use my socks?

If you keep clean them clean regularly then it is wise to use a pair of socks for 6 highest six months. More than that creat bacterias and fungal infections.

Why do wet leather boots stink?

The fungus and other bacterias grow in wet leather faster than other materials. So, if you keep your leather boots moist for long they start to stink.


Cleaning your work boots is a temporary solution to get rid of bad odors. Basically, you need to either destroy or prevent bacteria from growing in your shoes in the first place. For optimum scent control, combine the following suggestions we’ve given on how to clean smelly work boots.

However, Keep in mind that your work boots are an investment in your safety and comfort. If you look after them, they’ll look after you.

Michael Weinstein

Michael Weinstein is a seasoned writer and a dedicated expert in work safety, footwear, and popular shoe brands. With years of research and expertise, he's your trusted source for making informed choices in these fields. Michael's passion lies in helping individuals stay safe, comfortable, and stylish in their daily lives.

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